
The list of interesting books, papers, and chapters published both by the N.EA team members and other researchers.

Entropy - artykuł: Roszkowsa, Wachowicz

Today, an interesting article by Prof. Ewa Roszkowska and Tomasz Wachowicz was published in the journal Entropy. It discusses the use of entropy concepts for generating weights in a multi-criteria decision-making problem and their impact on the ranking outcomes of decision variants. The work utilized the Hellwig method for positioning EU countries based on the degree of sustainable development in education. It highlights ambiguities stemming from the often-used double normalization in the analytical process (one for determining entropy weights, the other related to the Hellwig method itself) and shows that observing individual decision cases can lead to illusory beliefs about the similarity of results obtained for different analytical combinations. Although in the problem of sustainable development of education, choosing different analytical methods led to different weights but similar rankings of variants, it turned out that this is due to special correlational relationships between evaluation criteria. In cases where these correlations are eliminated, the differences in both weights and rankings can be very significant.

The article is available directly at the link:

ITOR_2023The latest article by the N.EA. team reporting the results of an experimental study comparing two decision-making style recognition tools, the REI (Rational-Experiential Inventory) and GDMS (General Decision Making Style), has been published on the website of the "Decision" journal published by Springer. The presented results indicate that despite similarities in the categorization of decision-making styles, both tools identify different intensities of analytical thinking and intuitiveness for the same decision-maker, which may lead to differences (and even conflicts) in the conclusions drawn when attempting to build models relating various phenomena to decision-making style.

The paper can be accessed under the following link:

ITOR_2023Two years after its online publication, an interesting paper of the N.EA team is now published in the special issue of ITOR (International Transactions in Operational Research), entitled "Mind and Cognition in the Future of Decision Support Systems" and edited by José María Moreno-Jiménez and Luis G Vargas. The manuscript results from the previous research and studies conducted by the N.EA team with the late Gregory Kersten. It is devoted to analyzing the links between the motivational system of negotiators and its impact on how well and accurately they use the decision support tools in their prenegotiation activities related to scoring the negotiation template. The manuscript can be accessed freely under the following link: The pdf file may be directly downloaded here: ITOR_2023 - The impact of negotiators motivation.pdf


ITOR_2023In the online-first access of the journal "International Transactions in Operational Research" (ITOR), a new article by the N.EA. team has just been released. The article serves as an extended report on research conducted by Professor Ewa Roszkowska and Tomasz Wachowicz regarding reducing cognitive burdens on decision-makers in decision-analysis processes and defining preferences to be used in formal decision-support methods. The study explores the possibility of replacing, at times numerous and exhaustive, pairwise comparisons (present, for example, in the well-known AHP method) with simple linguistic declarations on a predefined seven-point scale. The results of the experiments strongly suggest that the approach based on linguistic declarations tends to incur certain errors and heuristics, preventing decision-makers from reflecting their preferences as precisely as in AHP. The main reason for this lies in the central tendency heuristic, which causes decision-makers to be reluctant to use extreme ratings on the scale. The article is directly accessible on the publisher's website through the following link:


EJOROn the website of the European Journal of Operational Research (IF = 5,334, CiteScore 9,5) a new paper written by professors Tomasz Wachowicz and Ewa Roszkowska is available as a preprint for download. In this paper, we verify the technical and empirical applicability of the holistic approach to preference elicitation in prenegotiations. A series of tests were conducted to analyze if the UTA-based approach is technically capable to generate the scoring systems that accurately reflect the negotiators' preferences and what additional mechanism should be offered to assure that technically promising results are retained also in empirical use of such a preference elicitation mechanism. Finally, an enhanced prenegotiation preference elicitation protocol is proposed, which shows promising performance in experimental verification in the eNego system.

The preprint may be downloaded from the following link: